Archive for the ‘Real Estate’ Category

Guaranteed Home Mortgage on PSR

Saturday, June 11th, 2011

House and Coyne welcome Joe Proia of Guaranteed Home Mortgage to Property Source Radio. Learn about the DOs and DON’Ts about financing in today’s market. If you are a first time buyer or a seasoned veteran, get pre-approved with Guaranteed Home Mortgage Company!

Tune in to Property Source Radio this Saturday from 9-10am on Sportsradio 950AM ESPN or stream the show online.

Power Miser’ Device Protects Your Electronics From Surges, Reduces Energy Consumption

Friday, June 10th, 2011

By Pat Coyne

We all want to protect our valuable home theater electronics, computers and appliances from the risk of lightning strike, power surge, or brownout (a drop in voltage in an electrical supply). Most of us use power surge strips to protect our valuable electronics. Most of us don’t run our home’s appliances (washer/dryer, refrigerator, sump pump, etc.) through any kind of surge protector, which, if a destructive surge were to occur, could zap them out of commission. There goes a lot of money down the drain should you suffer from this happening and you having to replace these appliances.

Patrick Coyne, local talk radio personality and Rochester entrepreneur, is marketing a device to Rochester residents and businesses that protects your whole house (or building) from power surges and brownouts.  But in addition to power protection for your home, the ‘Power Miser’ device’s main selling feature is its technology, which reduces your home or business’s electricity consumption from the utility, lowering your electrical bill by up to 25% each month, while also helping the environment.

The Power Miser unit gets professionally installed between your electrical meter and circuit breaker box. The technology behind the Power Miser unit is in its capacitors, which store electricity for use within your home or business. Appliances, especially those with inductive motors (such as air conditioning units, furnaces, refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers, washer and dryers, pool pumps, vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, and so on) drawing power straight from your meter is many times an inefficient process, wasting a good deal of electricity. The Power Miser’s technology supplies stored electricity to your appliances and electronics, reducing your demand from the utility. In doing so, your meter slows down and you use considerably less electricity. This causes you to have a considerable decrease in your electricity bill from your utility, and helps conserve the environment.

“Power Miser is a no-risk decision to whole house surge protection and energy savings for residents and businesses. We have a 100% money-back guarantee we offer customers who have Power Miser installed in their home,” claims Coyne. “After 90 days, we guarantee customers will see at least a 10% reduction in their electrical bill from the utility. It’s a proven technology that protects your appliances and cuts down your electricity demand.”

Power Miser saves businesses with machinery and other electrical equipment a lot on their electrical draw. Local businesses that are reaping the rewards of using Power Miser include Monroe Muffler, Honeyoye School District, Waste Management, Keenan’s Restaurant, DeCarolis Truck Rental, The Lobster Trap, and many others.  “It’s a no brainer solution for businesses because they pay so much for electricity, so the power-saving technology behind Power Miser cuts their electrical bills up to 40% in some instances,” Coyne confidently boasts. “For businesses we manufacture a Power Miser unit specific to their electrical situation, giving them the best possible savings. Most customers – whether home or business users of Power Miser – make back their investment in Power Miser in 6-12 months, making it an investment that delivers long-term savings and surge protection.”

Power Miser comes in several load capacities for residential customers, and depends on the size of the home and electrical panel environment. Power Miser models cost from $299 – $650 installed, and come with a 100% money-back guarantee. So, if Power Miser doesn’t cut your electrical bill by 10% within 90 days, they come and remove the unit from your home and refund your money.  This alone shows that the device sells itself and you only have to pay for it if it works, where else can you get a guarantee like that? The company is so confident on its benefits, it’s taking all the risk in installing a unit into your home, that if it doesn’t perform, they’ll have to come back and remove.

Some of you may have a whole-house surge protector installed already into your circuit breaker box. Those are great for surge protection, but they don’t offer the electrical storage Power Miser offers, and you will still be overpaying for your electricity. Having Power Miser installed offers surge protection and energy draw that results in lower electricity bills and doing your part to being ‘green.’

Coyne is co-host of “Property Source Radio,” with co-host Steve Houseman, which airs every Saturday morning at 9am on 950AM. Coyne’s Power Miser device is catching on fast as results speak for themselves and users are spreading the word, endorsing the product to their friends, family and to other businesses.

To order Power Miser, call them at (585) 202-3590. You can go online to download the Power Miser PDF brochure and get more info. at:

The Safety Section

Friday, June 10th, 2011

By Jim Salmon

The experts’ say; the following are responsible for almost all of the emergency room visits related to simple hand tool operation.

Wear safety goggles- eye injuries resulted in over 30,000 hospital visits last year with some resulting in the loss of an eye.

Select and use the proper tool for the job – With many different categories of hammers and striking tools to choose from, be sure to select the one right for a specific job.

Keep tools in good condition – Tools in good shape do a better job and are safer to use. Especially keeping hand tools sharpened. A dull tool is very dangerous because you have to apply so much more pressure to make it work. It then becomes unstable and can slip causing an injury.

Never use a hammer with a chipped face or damaged handle – A loose hammerhead flying off a damaged handle is extremely hazardous. Likewise, if the face shows dents, cracks, chips, mushrooming or signs of excessive wear – discard it. That goes for any striking or struck tool.

Educate all persons in the home on the proper use of hand tools – How a tool is used is just as important as what kind of tool you have chosen for a particular job. Tools should not be accessible to those who haven’t been briefed on their proper use and selection.

Can you imagine trying to get a modern teenager to listen to you brief them on hand tool safety? And to actually pay attention!

Alka Seltzer – It’s Not Just for John Carr’s Upset Stomachs Anymore!

Friday, June 10th, 2011

By Jim Salmon

Alka-Seltzer has been around for 75 years, and was once hailed as a cure-all for indigestion, headaches and John Carr’s occasional bouts with destiny. Who ever would have thought that this over-the-counter health remedy could also be used to clean items around the home?

Here are some unique tips for using Alka-Seltzer to clean up items in your home environment:

1) Clean your toilet by dropping 2 Alka-Seltzers into the bowl. Let them sit for 20 minutes, brush and flush! The citric acid and effervescent action do wonders for cleaning porcelain bowls!;

2) To clean a vase with dirt stains on the bottom, drop 2 Alka-Seltzer tablets in the vase, fill with water and let sit for several minutes. Rinse and you will have a sparkling clean vase!;

3) Polish jewelry by dropping it into a glass full of water and 2 Alka-Seltzer tablets and let it sit for 2 minutes. Your jewelry will look shiny and new!;

4) To remove burned-on grease from a pot or pan, drop 6 tablets into the pan and fill with water. Let it sit for one hour and scrub as usual. Your mother never had it this easy!;

5) To unclog a drain, drop 3 tablets down the drain followed by a cup of white vinegar. Wait a few minutes, then run the hot water.

6) To clean thermos bottles, drop four Alka-Seltzer tablets into a thermos bottle filled with water. Let it soak for an hour before emptying. The thermos will be fresh the next time you need it.

7) To cleanse dentures, drop your dentures into a glass of Alka-Seltzer for about ten minutes. The citric acid and carbonation will remove even the toughest stains from your dentures and other prosthetic dental work. This is an excellent substitute for more expensive denture cleanser products.

8) To cleaning Pots and Pans, drop six Alka-Seltzer tablets into pans with baked on-caked on grease. Dissolve the tablets. Let the solution fizz for one hour and then pour down the drain. Cook with clear, shiny pots and pans every time.

Of Pride And Porches

Friday, June 10th, 2011

By Lana Torre

Whether you are selling your current home, considering buying a new place, or just wish to give your abode a facelift, I have several ideas for you to boost your pride in your home.

Your home should rise up to greet you, transform it to be the best home on the street.

The first action should be to clean. Rid your yard of all debris, dead branches, leaves and ‘witches britches’ hanging from your shrubs. Purchase a power washer and spray your siding, shutters and gutters. Re-edge sidewalks, gardens, herb beds and then mulch. To keep weeds from growing up through the new mulch, lay down sheets of newspaper before spreading the new mulch. Rid your property of all seasonal stuff, like Christmas lights and wreaths. Replace with baskets of annual flowers and pots filled with herbs for cooking. Remember, you’re bringing in a new season.

Porches are back!

Whether attached to the front, side or back of your home, play up it’s detail. Plant climbing flowers like roses, clematis or morning glories and have them climb on lattice. If you don’t have lattice, tie strings from the ground to the porch ceiling so the plants can grow up and you will have created a living wall. Slipcover or buy new furniture cushions. I would re-think adding a row of white rockers, a la Cracker Barrel, but would consider adding a glider or hammock.

I remember our front porch, where I grew up, in the 19th ward. It was a sanctuary. A place for neighbors to gather and play cards. Our porch was the stage for fun games, long before the invention of Xbox. We played ‘red light, green light’ and ‘movie stars’ from our front steps. We waited for the “Skippy man” to drive down the street, listening for his bells, awaiting a purchase of a ‘Buried Treasure’.

It was a safe haven from big, scary dogs that roamed freely then. It was a place to storm watch and wait until puddles filled the streets so we could wade through them barefooted. It was the hangout to rest after we enjoyed a ‘street dance’ on a Friday night.

Way back in the late 1800’s porches were slated as healing places. “Cure porches’ around Saranac Lake were places where city dwellers could heal from tuberculosis. There are about 180 of them on the historic register.

Be proud of your home. Try a ‘bite sized’ project this weekend.

Clean the yard, plant and mulch. If you are fortunate to have a porch, make real lemonade and a lettuce sandwich. Relax on your glider, grab your deck of Bicycles, and spy on your neighbors- it’s the only acceptable place.

Breakdown That Leads to Breakthrough

Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

What Separates the Winners From the Others? Your success does not depend on how you respond to the good days. Your success depends on how you respond to the bad days. Winners fail. In fact, winners fail more often than others. That’s how they become winners. They learn and grow from their failures. What separates the winners from the others is how they respond to their failures and setbacks.

Everyone suffers when they fail. After the failure do you get emotional and dwell on it? Of course, we all do that. The key is how long you dwell on it and what you do next to get past it.

Winners suffer deeply but they get objective and refocus quickly. They quickly consider what there is to learn from the failure or setback. They look for patterns and connections to see if there is a systemic problem that can be corrected and lead to a significant improvement. Then they get back into action. They take action on the correction if there is such action to take. Then, quickly, they get on with what has to be done next to move their business forward with little or no residual “drag or delay” from the failure or setback.

Consider Failures and Setbacks as Breakdowns: People have far more control over some breakdowns than others. A Real Estate Agent works hard to put a deal together and the Buyer is unexpectedly laid off from their job. You have less control over that than if the Agent had never asked about the Buyer’s employment and there was a problem that could have and should have been identified earlier. Either way, it’s a breakdown.

Some setbacks are much harder to get past than others.  My elderly neighbor’s teenage granddaughter was visiting.  When the teenager got up at night to use the bathroom she turned out all the lights, not knowing her grandma always left one on so she could see. The grandma fell down the stairs and will be recovering and rehabilitating from her injuries for many months. Think of the grandma in recovery; the granddaughter’s guilt, and her parents struggle to help the young woman get past it. Some setbacks are much harder to get past.

Creating Breakthrough Out of Breakdown: Like all successful strategies this is a system. It is a simple system. Do not confuse simple with easy.  It is difficult to put into practice. It is difficult to practice consistently. However, once it is mastered it becomes a path to a life of greater courage, filled with breakthroughs and less fear of breakdowns. When you have setback, a failure, a breakdown there is a five step process that turns that breakdown into breakthrough.

Acknowledge the error. Simply recognize and admit that, yes this happened or is happening. This may mean also recognizing and admitting the (sometimes dire) consequences of the error.

Take responsibility for it. This means that you accept that you caused it. You do this even if it is unreasonable; even if it seems completely inaccurate. You do not have to tell anyone else that you take responsibility.  You take this step for the purpose of taking control of your life and seeking the breakthrough.

Forgive yourself and/or anyone else for the error. Forgiveness is an act and a sign of strength and confidence. In this system it communicates that sense of strength and confidence to you. It builds and expands your self esteem.

Recommit to the goal…or not. In whatever endeavor the error occurred. Recommit to the effort. Or choose to end the effort. But, if the latter, make it a conscious choice. If you choose to recommit and in most cases you will, then if it is a lost Real Estate deal, recommit to your goals and career. If it is a habit or addiction recommit to your health and vision. As earlier if it is a tragedy, recommit to love and a life of purpose. As part of your re-commitment choose a deadline, a new deadline or timeframe.

Get immediately back into action. You may get immediately into action toward the goal. Follow the famous advice, “Never leave the site of setting a goal without first taking some form of positive action toward its attainment.” And once you have taken that action toward your goal get back into action in your life, whatever there is to do next.

The Real Estate business is one that can cause several areas of breakdown sometimes daily. A truly successful Agent can get past these opportunities for breakdown and learn from them to minimize the effect next time.

Print this article, now. Highlight or circle the parts that you want to remember.  Stick it on a wall or somewhere that you can find it so that when you have your next breakdown and you know it is inevitable. You can see whether there is a way to turn that difficult moment into the path to your next breakthrough.

Rich Levin is a Real Estate coach and teacher whose focus is teaching Agents to understand and control their business.Through that understanding Agents achieve satisfying, successful careers and lives.  For more information on Rich’s work; go to Rich is President of Rich Levin’s Success Corps Inc. Contact him at 585-244-2700 or From The Success Corps’ ‘Attitude and Psychology’ Series

Homebuilding continues slowly in long winter months

Wednesday, May 4th, 2011

Local home builders are seeing more traffic in their model homes; however consumers are not yet completing the purchase contract.

“There has been an increase in activity the last month or so despite the cold weather.” said Dan Viola, President of Viola Homes in Penfield and 2011 Chairman of the Rochester Home Builders’ Association. “Part of it is the normal spring market; however the poor cold weather has not inspired the “real” buyers in the marketplace yet.” Viola added.

The Rochester Home Builders’ Association reported a decrease in building permits the first quarter of 2011 compared to 2010. Decreases in Monroe and Wayne County were somewhat explained by a surge of building permits in December due to the changes in a new NYS Energy Code and NYS Electrical Code.

“A new code went into effect in January, so a number of builders took out permits prior to the new code to save their buyers money.” said Rick Herman, Chief Executive Officer of the Rochester Home Builders’ Association. “December 2010 was double that of “normal” Decembers due to the new and more expensive NYS code.” Herman said.

“Many of the builders in our area are still optimistic and looking forward to an increase in homebuilding the second quarter. When looking around the country, we are fortunate that we have been able to maintain the permits we have. Rochester is a very stable real estate market, but we will always have these bumps. ” said Viola.

Patio Play

Wednesday, May 4th, 2011

We all have it ! It is one huge case of spring fever. We can’t wait to visit our favorite flower growers. We are excited about power washing the deck and patio, until we uncover our old and mildewy patio furniture.

Think new. There are endless choices in affordable and tasteful outdoor furniture. From tables and chairs to umbrellas and chaises, we can design a new space for your outdoor leisure and entertaining.

Look for resin furniture. It appears to be wicker at first, but this new resin is very outdoor friendly. This furniture cleans quickly with water and soap, and does not hold stains from fallen leaves. Teak furniture is a bit more expensive, but it is ‘green’, renewable and plantation grown. You may have to oil your teak every few years, but as in the case of any natural product, the older it becomes, the more beautiful the patina. Rustproof aluminum is a great choice for a more formal outdoor space. Choose clean and simple designs in powder coated bronze. Chairs, ottomans, coffee tables and sofas can be arranged on the patio to mimic the family room.

After you have selected your base material, the fun part begins. Fabric selection. There are materials made for cushions and pillows that are truly outdoor fabrics. They will not fade or stain and are made of a polyester base. You may know one by the brand name ‘sunbrella’, but there are many more. Available in solids, stripes and many prints from florals to sailboats,.. The choices are endless. You can easily find cushions and pillows made to size on line, as well as furniture covers.

Under your new furniture is the perfect place to use an outdoor rug. These rugs look and feel like wool or cotton. They can be easily hosed down if you should spill your Bloody Mary.

Choose an umbrella. There are new designs that have a  freestanding weighted base, so you can move them around the patio, forgetting the table.

And the cardinal rule?? Always remember to accessorize. Purchase lights that can hang from your umbrella. Place votive candles in mason jars filled with sand and hang with strings from the spokes of the umbrella . Use candle lanterns everywhere. If you are hesitant to use real candles, use the imposters, they can even fool a trained designer

[ who me ? ] Pot up flowers and place them in strategic locations. I always like using one color, so go all red or all pink, and prettiest of all is all white with light green foliage.

Whew ! We are done. So grab your favorite catalog, Better Homes and Gardens, and the latest Property Source. Pare up celery sticks or long thin slices of pepperoni and make a savory pitcher of Bloody Mary’s. Shake off your flip flops and oh so enjoy your beautiful, newly decorated patio.

GRAR® Releases 1st Quarter Residential Housing Statistics & Analsis

Wednesday, May 4th, 2011

First Quarter statistics released by the Genesee Region Real Estate Information Services (GENRIS), the information subsidiary of the Greater Rochester Association of REALTORS® (GRAR), reflect the consistent trend of a stable appreciation in home values within the local housing market in the 11-county region.

The median sale price for the First Quarter of $114,900 reflected a 1.7 percent increase compared to last year at this time. Transactions for the First Quarter 2011 showed a 9.3 percent decrease over First Quarter 2010, with 1,634 homes sold, which is most likely due to a more traditional First Quarter this year matched against one spurred by the Federal Homebuyer Tax Credit last year. The number of homes listed was down significantly, 24.5 percent over First Quarter 2010.

“Despite the 9 percent decline in transactions this quarter when compared to same time last year, I am very optimistic of where our market is currently coming off the Tax Credit,” stated Carolyn Stiffler, president of the GRAR Board of Directors. “While we were wondering how much influence the Tax Credit would have on buyers, looking at this past quarter’s inventory, it is abundantly clear that people looking to sell took advantage of listing their home in the closing months of the Credit.”

“Prices have shown growth from 2009, and are at realistic and sustainable levels. Our market remains very affordable and favorable for qualified buyers, aided by low mortgage rates,” said Ryan Tucholski, chief executive officer of the GRAR. “Locally, REALTORS® remain optimistic about the 2011 housing market, especially if both consumer confidence in the economy and access to mortgages for those with good credit improve.”

There were several towns within the region that experienced sales gains this past quarter from the same time a year ago, they include: Gates, Hamlin, Henrietta, Ogden (Spencerport Village), Perinton (Fairport Village) and Pittsford (Pittsford Village). Also, the Town of Victor in Ontario County realized increases in both number of sales and in home values over the same timeframe.

GRAR will continue to support the local residential real estate industry by focusing on the benefits of owning a home and using the services of a REALTOR® when buying and selling a home.

Money Making Open Houses

Wednesday, May 4th, 2011

First Things First

The majority of open house Guests are Buyers. There are some neighbors and others. Those open house Guests that are Buyers come in the door already loyal to another Agent..or not. We completely respect those that are committed to another Agent.

A listing Agent has a fiduciary responsibility to the Seller. An Agent holding an open house that is not their listing does not have the same fiduciary responsibility. Either way, to be fair to the Seller, the Agent must determine whether the Guest is interested in the house. This is as simple as asking, “Does this house interest you?” Or, “I promised the Sellers to ask each Guest whether you are interested in the house.  Are you?”

Give Them What They Want

The Guests want to be comfortable and they want information. Greet each Guest with a gracious smile. Welcome them to the house. Offer to answer all their questions. Provide them with more information than they were expecting. On the dining room or kitchen table provide information on the community, and the neighborhood, a fully filled out sample purchase offer and addendums, financing recommendations with advantages of each, and detailed closing cost estimates.Have printouts or preselected switch properties on your laptop that are in the same geographic area, same price range, same size or same style. These are properties that the Guests are likely to be interested in if they showed up at this open.

Ask Questions That Interest Them

As Buyers there are only a few reasons they chose that open house; location, price, size, or a particular feature. So, ask, “This house is in Brighton. Are you looking exclusively in Brighton or also in Penfield, Pittsford and the other eastern suburbs?” Or, “This one is $279,900 is that your price range or are you looking higher or lower than that?” Or, “This one is 2,500 square feet with four bedrooms and three baths may I ask is that the size home you were looking for or did you want something larger or smaller than that? Or, “This one is adjacent to the golf course. Were you looking for a property on a golf course or did you just like this location?”

You will immediately discover those Guests that are loyal to other Agents because they will identify themselves as such. The unattached or loosely attached Buyers will answer you.  They will immediately begin to like you and trust you; because you are asking questions that interest them. These questions demonstrate that you know about other properties that have similar characteristics which mean you can help them. If they answer one of the above questions, follow with the others, taking time to listen, and ask more details if appropriate.

Show Sincere Interest

Then ask, “Why don’t you tell me all the things you would like in a house and I’ll make a note.” Once they have answered the questions above about location, price, and size they will answer this question.  Their trust toward you deepens. Loyalty is yours as long as you continue to show truly, sincere interest in them and what they want to accomplish.

Offer Education and Information

Ask if they have reviewed the current paperwork that is used to buy a home in the area. “Has anyone given you a copy of the contract that you will sign to purchase a home so that you can become familiar with it? I like for people to be familiar with it before you are in the middle of making a $200,000 decision.”

“Are you familiar with the variety of inspections you might want to choose for homes in this area and the roles of the attorneys and other professionals involved in making sure things go well?”

“May I suggest that we get together? I don’t bite. I promise. I’ll go over all of that with you. Give you copies and other information that will protect your interests and make the process enjoyable. No obligation, if we hit it off, and it looks like we will, I’ll help you find a great house. If we don’t, you’ll just be better prepared. Would it be best to meet this afternoon after the open house or early next week?”   The words contract, sign, and decision are used purposely in a way that may make the Buyers realize that they need someone that they can trust to protect them.

Go All the Way or Don’t Go At All

Harold is one of hundreds of Agents who have said to me, “Rich, I do something similar to that and it doesn’t work.” Similar doesn’t work. Part of this language and approach will not work. Go all the way. Work with it until you have it all. Be like Jennifer who builds loyalty through the use of this approach and this language exactly the way it is described above. Jennifer said to me, “That is so easy. It is so comfortable for me and for them. It makes so much sense to them that they answer the questions and just naturally evolve into Clients.”

A True Story

One more reason this approach works is because the experience of most Buyers is being abused or ignored in open houses.  A house was open on my street.  The door was open. I walked in. I walked into the living room, the dining room and in the kitchen the Agent holding it open was reading something on the counter with her back to me. I purposely didn’t say anything and headed into the basement.  Came up, she was still reading with her back to me. I walked past her up the stairs, through the bedrooms, came down, and walked out the door. This is such an unprofessional disservice to the Owners, the Guests, and a clear example of why professionalism and good service will make you stand out.

The approach in this article is proven. It works for many reasons. The main reason is that serious Buyers want to work with an Agent that thinks and acts in the way described. Be different simply by being attentive, sincerely interested, and committed to the success of each Guest.

Rich Levin is a Master Coach and Real Agent Productivity Expert.  He resides in the Rochester area and works with Real Estate Professional across North America.  You can hear him live every weekday on his free Daily webinars.  Register at  For coaching information you can contact him at 585-244-2700 or  If you live in the Rochester area or are willing to travel he will meet with you in person.